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Ysabela Reyes | Teacher Candidate
Throughout the semester, I have had opportunities to learn about the various roles in school to create an engaging, inclusive and equitable environment. I learned from my mentor teacher and art department about fire drill procedures and stairwell exits to take, the school's health and safety procedures and lockdown procedures to ensure I am aware and up to date on policies and information to ensure the students' safety and my own. I attended a department staff meeting where we discussed budgeting plans for sharing materials and dicussed ideas about teaching strategies to help students in the different grade levels through the use of technology and engaging lessons that can be shared amongst the teachers. I also attended a school meeting for bomb threat procedure plans with Officer Tony Anderson during a school PA day. During this time, I learned about the phrase used in classrooms "VISUAL SCAN" meaning to scan the classroom for any suspicious materials without causing panic amongst the students as well as went through practice scenarios such as the kinds of signs to look for regarding potential threats to student safety.
At the entrance of the school JCM has posted their mission statement and vision for its students working towards graduation. The mission and vision relates to the Catholic and Francisian Faith following the teaching of James Cardinal McGuigan to foster dignity, compassion, kindness, humilty, leadership, discernment to become globally engaged citizens and stewards of the earth to make a positive impact in the present and future. JCM also has large posters and signs about their SHSM program (Specialist High Skills Major) displayed in the front entrance. JCM's use of the SHSM program helps students become actively engaged in their learning through co-op placements in trade fields, apprenticeships, CPR certifications and gaining real world experiences in their areas of interest.
Through a school community walk, I went around the local area to learn more about what was accessible to the students and their community. Parents normally drop of their kids at the front entrace of the school, while there is also a transportation van for students with disabilities that drops them off at the side entrance that makes it easier for them to enter into the school. There is a large soccer field that is connected to the school parking lot where a local park also resides. Nearby, there is the Finch West subway station where students mainly use for transportation, as well as several bus routes that pass by the area. Across the street from the school, there are local housing areas and condos being built. Students also have access to a nearby McDonalds, Tim Hortons, as well as Jane and Finch Mall which is several blocks down from this location where there are many eateries, bakeries and local shops.
For photography class, my mentor teacher and I were able to take students around school property and off site to enhance their understanding of landscape and nature photography, as well as have them go outside to experience what it is like to take photographs outdoors. Due to the various locations on school property and locations nearby for students to access, students are able to learn about their own community environment and promote student well-being through outdoor learning opportunities. Below are some images that demonstrate this learning outcome. Please click on the images for more details.

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