Ysabela Reyes | Teacher Candidate
C. Individual Learning Engagements
This learning outcome focuses on individual learning engagements of curricular content, initiating, sustaining, culminating/closing and assessing student learning.
Throughout the semester, I had the opportunity to create lesson plans as well as engage students across learning engagements to lead to a culminating task. When creating lesson plans, I ensure that the content is directly related to the curriculum and utilize CRRP to make sure the topics were relevant to students' learning needs. I used a universal design approach in which all students recieved accomodations when needed, and when I noticed students were struggling to understand a particular concept, I made sure to take the time to break down the concept further for the whole class before moving onto a new concept. When introducing students to a new concept, I always made sure that students had prior knowledge before I introduced a new topic and I would do this through various strategies such as through observations and conversations on prompts or activities that focused on what students already know. I would use the "Think-Puzzle-Explore method" in which students would think about what they already know on a topic, puzzle/question what they would like to know more about the topic and finally, explore these ideas through tthe work they do after the lesson.
When I tranisitioned from an topic, activity or bring the class back together, I would time how long students needed to work and adjust accordingly. I would also give verbal reminders of how much time is left to work on different tasks as well as ensure the class is ready to move onto the next task. I made sure that after each lesson there was a sufficient amount of time for students to work on tasks related to the lesson and give ample time for them to ask questions about the lesson. The way in which I often alloted time was if there are 75 minutes per class, I would dedicate at least 30 to 40 minutes or more to work on given tasks for students to complete, as well as give extra time the following day if needed. At the end of each lesson, I would do a brief summary about what was discussed to help refresh the students' memory before they carry out a task related to the lesson, whether it was a worksheet, research or a class acitivity. Allowing students to work on tasks related to the lesson also created great opportunities for me to check in with each student to check for their knowledge and understanding of concepts discussed in the lesson. Students also have the opportunities during work periods to discuss questions and ideas related to course work in which students were able to learn from one another. Throughout the learning engagements, most of my assessments came from assessment for and as learning, where I would observe the conversations and observations of how students understood the content. Assessment of learning I collected were mainly from worksheets, shorter research assignments and culminating tasks such as a test. I made sure that each lesson built on knowledge from previous content discussed within the unit to an eventual culminating task, in this case a unit test, in which I would give ample time to review the content from the unit and studying time to prepare for the test.
Below are some images and files that demonstrates this learning outcome. Please click on the following content for more details.